From cybersecurity deep dives to random tangents, this is where I spill my thoughts. It’s a mix of write-ups, news, and the occasional off-topic ramble. Read, enjoy, or roll your eyes—it’s all good!
MITM Attacks
MITM Attacks: How to Crash the Party Between Alice and Bob Man-in-the-Middle attacks (MITM) are like showing up uninvited to someone else’s private conversation, grabbing a chair, and whispering, “Don’t mind me.” Except, instead of tea and gossip, the stakes are passwords, credit card numbers, and the little details your digital life holds. Carol (the uninvited hacker) isn’t just listening, she’s reading, stealing, and sometimes tweaking what’s being said. Today, we’ll crash this party and take a look at how Carol pulls off her tricks, why they work, and what you can do to stop her from making herself at home in your traffic. ...