My cheat sheets are like the sticky notes of my brain—quick, messy, but (hopefully) useful. Feel free to swipe them, tweak them, or point out what I’ve missed. Sharing is caring, right ?
FFUF (Fuzz Faster U Fool) is a fast and flexible web fuzzer that helps penetration testers and security researchers discover directories, files, parameters, and more. Basic Syntax ffuf -c -w path/to/wordlist -u https://target_url/FUZZ Examples # Filter responses with a content size of 4242 bytes ffuf -w /path/to/vhost/wordlist -u https://target_url/ -H "Host: FUZZ" -fs 4242 # Filter responses with a 401 status code ffuf -w /path/to/values.txt -u https://target_url/script.php?valid_name=FUZZ -fc 401 # Filter 401 responses and fuzz passwords in a POST request ffuf -w /path/to/postdata.txt -X POST -d "username=admin\&password=FUZZ" -u https://target_url/login.php -fc 401 Common Flags -c: Enable colorized output. -maxtime: Set the maximum runtime for the process in seconds. -p: Set a delay between requests (e.g., 0.1 seconds). -v: Verbose output. -t: Number of threads (default is 40). -mc: Match specific HTTP status codes (e.g., 200, 301, 403, or all). -fc: Filter out responses by HTTP status codes. -w: Specify the wordlist path. -u: Define the target URL. -s: Enable silent mode. -recursion: Enable recursive fuzzing. -r: Follow redirects. -o: Output results to a file. -of: Specify output format (e.g., json, html, csv, all). -b: Include cookies in the request. Examples # Match all responses, filter 42-byte answers, output colored and verbose ffuf -w wordlist.txt -u -mc all -fs 42 -c -v # Fuzz host headers and show only status 200 responses ffuf -w hosts.txt -u -H "Host: FUZZ" -mc 200 # Fuzz the `name` field in a POST request with JSON data, filter responses containing "error" ffuf -w entries.txt -u -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": "FUZZ", "anotherkey": "anothervalue"}' -fr "error" # Use two wordlists for parameter and value fuzzing, match responses containing "VAL" ffuf -w params.txt:PARAM -w values.txt:VAL -u -mr "VAL" -c Tips and Tricks Interactive Mode: Press Enter while FFUF is running to access interactive features, such as reconfiguring filters or saving the state. Multiple Payloads: Use the FUZZ keyword multiple times in a URL (e.g., Variables in URLs: Specify payload locations using variables (e.g.,{var1}/another_path/{var2}).