My cheat sheets are like the sticky notes of my brain—quick, messy, but (hopefully) useful. Feel free to swipe them, tweak them, or point out what I’ve missed. Sharing is caring, right ?
Basic Syntax smbmap -u <username> -p <password> -H <host> [options] Common Usage Examples Connect with Null Password smbmap -u guest -p "" -d . -H Connect as Admin with Password smbmap -u admin -p password123 -d . -H Execute a Command smbmap -u admin -p password123 -d . -H -x 'ipconfig' Connect to a Specific Drive smbmap -u admin -p password123 -d . -H -r 'C$' Upload a File smbmap -u admin -p password123 -d . -H --upload '/path/to/file.txt' 'C$\file.txt' Download a File smbmap -u admin -p password123 -d . -H --download 'C$\file.txt' Enumerate a Specific Share smbmap -H -s 'share_name' Enumerate Users smbmap -H --users Key Options -u <username>: Specify the username. -p <password>: Specify the password. -H <host>: Specify the target host. -r <share>: Connect to a specific share or drive. -x <command>: Execute a command on the target. --upload <local_file> <remote_path>: Upload a file to the target. --download <remote_file>: Download a file from the target. -s <share>: Enumerate a specific share. --users: Enumerate users on the target. -R: Check for shares with full permissions. -p <port>: Specify a port. When to Use SMBMap Permission Audits: Quickly identify shares with read, write, or full access permissions. Command Execution: Execute remote commands on accessible shares. File Transfers: Upload or download files directly from SMB shares. User Enumeration: Discover user accounts configured on the target system.